The splendor of the palace and the silence of the estate, a leisurely stroll along the old embankment ...
People come here for stories and mood, for “little Petersburg”. Carl Rossi, Matvey Kazakov and the "Russian Leonardo" Nikolai Lvov worked here. Pushkin dedicated his humorous lines to the local hotel, in the ceremonial hall of the imperial traveling palace Karamzin read to Alexander I the chapters from the History of the Russian State, and Saltykov-Shchedrin served as vice-governor of Tver. In the garden of the estate in Domotkanovo, Serov painted his masterpiece "A girl illuminated by the sun." Rich Torzhok gold embroidery was presented to fashionistas in the capital, and Nicholas I was treated to fire cutlets. And even the homeland of the first patriarch of Moscow in Russia, St. Job, is also here. The amazing energy of the Tver - Torzhok - Staritsa Troograd region will not leave anyone indifferent. Get closer to the geniuses of the past and discover new talents in yourself!
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